Make Free Call to Mobile from Facebook Messenger

If you talk about social networking then what comes to our mind is Facebook. Just like search is Google for us, socializing is Facebook for us. We all spend a lot of time on Facebook chatting with friends and family. Many of us are using Facebook on our mobile phones. We use it to post pictures, status on Facebook and chat with our friends who are online (they may also be using it on their mobile or computer). However do you know that you can actually use Facebook to make free phone calls to your friends on Facebook.

Yes you heard it right. You can use Facebook messenger application on android and iOS platform to make phone calls for free. Please note that if you have Facebook mobile application, then its messenger app may already be on your mobile (or its just one click install from the app itself). So once you have Facebook messenger app on your mobile, you can call your friends for free.

  • Works only on Android and iOS App
  • You can call people who also have Facebook messenger application installed on their mobile phone. These people also need to be connected to internet.
  • These are VOIP calls
  • Free Phone Call Service by Facebook Messenger was already present in USA, Canada and UK for quite sometime now
  • Free Phone Calls by Facebook now works in INDIA. Although, not officially announced by Facebook, but this new feature now allows to make voice calls to anyone on their friend list.

The messenger application was launched in 2011 for Android and iOS platform and provides Instant Messaging service. Integrated with Facebook’s web-based Chat feature and built on the open MQ Telemetry Transport protocol, Messenger lets Facebook users chat with friends both on mobile and on the main website. Now this is extended to Voice Calls.

How to place calls ?

New Facebook Messenger app has a new button called “Free Call” which is available in your chat window itself.

  • Go to chat window where you start chatting with your friends
  • Select the friend with whom you would like to start a call
  • Click on the more button (on my android, its the dots button located at top right corner)
  • You see options for “Mute”, “View Timeline”, “Free Call” and others
  • Select Free Call

Facebook Free Calls worldwide by messenger app

What’s with Whatsapp

Facebook acquired Whatsapp for huge $19 billion. Soon they announced that they will launch the free voice call service for Whatsapp by mid of this year. Now that Facebook has launched free calls for its own messenger app, its interesting when the roll out comes for Whatsapp


  1. whitelion says

    God bless continue to guide bring cyber high tech to our kids rooms,we love men,thanks a million times
    Whitelion from Scandinavia.

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